Foundation Repair
You notice a crack in your foundation. Is it a problem? It could be. If it's a new crack or if it has gotten bigger over time, it could definitely be a problem.
You may notice drywall cracks, cracks in your foundation, cracks in the bricks of your house or that your windows and doors have become difficult to close. Damage to your foundation can occur because of foundation settlement and movement. It can also be caused if your building was built on clay or improperly compacted fill soils.
Even a small foundation crack can create trouble. Small cracks can let insects, small animals or water in. Also, small cracks can get bigger which means a more expensive repair.
Koch Construction uses gunite (or shotcrete) to fix damaged foundation walls. If necessary, we reinforce the existing foundation wall. This process will repair damage and stabilize your foundation.
The gunite or shotcrete process exceeds the compressive strength of most poured concrete mixtures. This is because the application requires a much lower water to cement ratio. This results in a stronger end product and reduces shrinkage.
Call 519-503-8768 for a free quote.